#...AH FIGURED IT OUT. IT ACTUALLY ADDS THEM TO DRAFTS INSTEAD. STRANGE. but yeah if i want to add screenshots or comments
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specialized-rexan · 6 months ago
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geekgemsspooksandtoons · 4 years ago
Archie And Atlas
This is a story set within my Bioshock Rebirth AU. A reimaging/reboot of the Bioshock franchise. https://geekgemsspookyblog.tumblr.com/post/626141727587270656/bioshock-rebirth-timeline-this-is-a-timeline-of-an Just as a heads up if anyone is wondering about the context. I’ve had some stories in my drafts for a long time now and I’m finally publicly sharing them.
Deciding I’m gonna post this. I made this as a short story to a friend. Gonna add some stuff. @fishtankinhouse​ has read this before. I’ve been thinking of more stories and this was in my drafts for a long while.
So yeah understand this wasn’t made in my regular format of writing. Just finished the tags. I added some stuff and changed some things.
After a long while when Archie comes to Atlas's hideout. He finds the fisherman grabbing and opening a beer. No one is there. The man hears his footsteps. As Atlas took a chug, he turned his head to his left and saw Archie standing, holding a wrench for some reason. He assumed it was maybe to defend himself from any Splicers around. Even though the young man would hold up a gun usually. Atlas: Ah Arch you're here! You're back. You did it son! Nice work boyo! Archie: Yeah I did. Atlas: I was worried about you. Glad you're okay. Do you have the genetic key? Archie: Where's everyone else? Atlas: Oh some of the others went to a place to get more weapons for us in case. Daisy, Diane, and Bill are probably around here some where. But it's mainly me. Archie: Atlas I need to ask you something. Atlas: Sure lay it on me lad. Archie:.....how did you know of the trigger phrase? Atlas's eyes widened as he was drinking. Atlas:.....what? Archie: Ryan told me something. Atlas: Ryan told you something ey? Heh I wouldn't believe him. He'd probably say anything to make himself live longer. Even some weird shit about a trigger phrase. What the Hell are you talking about? Archie: Atlas.....I didn't kill Ryan......he put together some things. I discovered some things, recordings. Atlas:.......listen Arch I don't know what the Hell are you talking about? Maybe Ryan was going mad like I said before. Archie: How in the Hell did you know about the WYK programming?.......how did you know what Fontaine was gonna do before he died? How did you even know that phrase? You said it a couple of times when I was out there with Elizabeth. Atlas just looked surprised. Just honestly baffled. The look on Archie went from confused to more serious. Almost angry. Atlas was a man Archie he met this week. But the young man admired him. Because Atlas was filling in the hole left after his parents had died. To have a father figure after 4 years of being alone felt like the greatest feeling in the world. It was only made better when he got closer to Elizabeth, Tenenbaum, and those Little Sisters. But also meeting others like Jasmine, Diane, Daisy, and Bill made life felt different. Including whoever else. But the relationship with Atlas felt important. To Archie, he felt like he was looking at an older version of himself. Even though some of Atlas's ideas seem questionable and he was rough. But Atlas had the best intentions. It was the first time in years he felt like he had genuine best friend, or even a brother. But most importantly a father. Archie: Where are they? Atlas: Who are you talking about? Archie: Elizabeth and Tenenbaum. They were with you last. Atlas: Meh they went back to their safehouse. Archie: Atlas....be honest with me. What did you do to them? Besides they would of told me if they went back. Atlas:.....you know what I'm sorry I fibbed a bit there. I didn't wanna tell you this at first. But Elizabeth and Tenenbaum....they were just using you. Archie: What? Atlas: When you left them with me. Things changed. Elizabeth may seem like a sweetheart. But inside she's just a spoiled girl who was using you to get to Ryan. Even Tenenbaum was too. She wanted to get the Hell out of the city. But she teamed up with Elizabeth at first. You know to get rich in case.
Hearing this from Atlas, Archie’s heart began to break a little. Ever since he met Elizabeth this week. He had developed a sort of crush on her. Nothing too serious. Almost like a puppy dog crush. He loved her as a person and tried to make sure she didn’t go crazy after everything going on in Rapture. But she noticed how she seemed to get excited about this Atlas person.
She seemed to have this little crush on him. You couldn’t blame her. He had this charm to him. Even if he was married. It was sort of like how his own feelings towards Elizabeth. It almost felt like a bit of betrayal hearing this from Atlas.
Was she really using him? Maybe that’s why she acted so differently about Atlas. Archie’s feelings were so confused. *Atlas takes a chug of the beer again.* Atlas: You know what Elizabeth did after we were done with that call with you? She grabbed me and smacked her lips onto mine. So me and Daisy had to tie them up. We were heart broken to see who they were actually. I didn't wanna call you about it because you would be heart broken.
Archie’s sadness soon went into confusion. Tied up he said?
Archie: What you did what? You tied them up!?
Atlas: Arch just calm down.  Archie: That's not true. Atlas: Arch......let me be honest with you. I've seen you got close with her. There's no shame in that. She's a beautiful girl. I don't blame you for liking her. I'm thinking she was getting tired of the nice girl act. That's when I noticed something was wrong. That's why I offered to look out for them. I needed to find out if they were truthful.....I'm just looking out for you Arch. I warned you about Tenenbaum. But I didn't knew Elizabeth would stoop that low. Archie:.....where are they? 
Atlas: They’re not ready to talk now. Please understand that.
Archie: Then how did you know of the trigger phrase? Atlas: I don't know what trigger phrase you are talking about. But I'm gonna be honest with you and I may sound weird. I'll admit when Elizabeth kissed me. It was strangely amazing. Especially the taste....mmmmmm strawberries. Atlas just touched his lips when he said that. His mannerisms were different. When he was mentioning the so called kiss Elizabeth forced onto him. It looked like he was remembering it fondly instead of disgust. Because Atlas said he was a married man who had a baby child. In those moments. Archie finally realized and thinking back to what Atlas saying. It was that moment though he truly realized. Atlas was actually lying. In a quick second, Archie swung the wrench across to the left of Atlas's head. The man dropped the beer and it broke. While Atlas was surprised but couldn't do anything. He was knocked out.
Archie: Elizabeth! Brigid!
The young man had looked around the headquarters. It seems like nobody was around. He kept yelling out their names in case they would respond. Archie had made sure they were safe. He couldn’t handle the idea of something terrible happening to them. Until he heard Atlas’s radio go off and he heard Daisy’s voice.
Daisy: Atlas! We made it to Tenenbaum’s apartment. You sure Archie isn’t gonna find us....I’m sorry I don’t believe Arch may go against us. I can understand these two bitches using him. But Arch....I just can’t believe that...Atlas can you read me? Is everything okay? We brought Ryan’s kid and Tenenbaum here. Do you not have your radio on you?
Archie heard Daisy’s voice. He knew they had them. Now he just had to find Brigid’s apartment. He remembered a little during talks with Brigid at her safehouse. Olympus Heights is what she mentioned. He decided to try to rush over there as fast as he can. 
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prophetparadox · 8 years ago
Despair’s Last Resort Trial 1 Rough Draft
So since I’m kind of prevented from making much new content due to my computer situation, I thought I’d look through my computer and see if I had any abandoned fics I could upload to my collection of them on AO3. and instead I found something interesting: the original draft of DLR’s first trial. This was something I had written up back in around March of 2014, about 2-3 months before I actually wrote the fic proper, as I had the idea for what I wanted to do but didn’t want to lose it. So I stuck it in a word document and came back to it to fix everything when the time came to do it proper. Since I can’t provide proper content, I figured it would be fun to share this draft to show the differences between the original plan and the final product. The trial in full is under the cut, but I figure I should add a few things of note before you read.
- The character called Hideki is Shigeru. Hideki was his original name that I eventually changed for being too similar to Hikaru. Any reference to a Hideki in this draft is basically referring to Shigeru. There’s also a few instances where Hikaru is called Haruki instead, as that was his original name. Most of the draft he’s referred to as Hikaru, as it was around that time that I changed the name, but a few still remain.
- At the time I wrote this, Kumiko and Chiyo had not been established as being childhood friends in my mind, thus her reactions here are different since they didn’t have the same bond.
- Some characters aren’t fleshed out as much as I hadn’t figured out what to do with their characters yet. Some lines are even moved around since I was still tinkering with personalities. So some characters will seem off.
- Kaito’s execution here is different. This was an idea suggested to me by my friend Serena, but I ultimately didn’t go through with it and went with the final one.
- I don’t know why the restaurant is called the dining hall here. It might’ve been because I was still thinking about the fic taking place solely in the hotel, but I can’t say more than that.
I can’t think of anything else particularly of note. So on that note, enjoy this early version of the first trial!
Takara and the others stepped out of the elevator, finding themselves face to face with a makeshift courtroom. The purple walls were lined with black curtains, reminding everyone that Chiyo was no longer with them. A circle of podiums rested in the middle of the room, while Monokuma sat in a throne opposite of the elevator doors. "Ah good! You've all made it here!"the bear joyfully said. "Now then, please locate the podium with your name on it, and we can begin the trial!"
"So you weren't kiddin' about this whole trial thing were ya?" Kazumi asked.
"Well of course not! What point would I have of sending you kiddies out to investigate if I wasn't going to keep my word about the trial?" Monokuma said.
"I was hopin' it was all some kinda sick joke." Kazumi said.
"Now now, just hurry up and take your places! We need to get this trial rolling after all!" Monokuma announced. The fifteen students made their way over to each podium marked with their names. Takara found herself placed in between Kaito and Shizuka. Across from her she could see Satoshi smiling at her. He obviously wasn't worried about losing this trial and possibly being executed. Takara began to wonder what was wrong with that boy. Takara noticed that the way the podiums were placed allowed for everyone in the room to see each other's faces. And it didn't take her very long to notice the strange thing in the one podium where no one stood.
"Hey, Monokuma," Takara began, pointing over to the irregular podium. "What the hell is that thing supposed to be?" In the place of Chiyo Ueda was a photo of her attached to a stand. It almost looked like the photographs used to represent a dead person at a funeral. The only difference was the big X on the frame.
"What, that?" Monokuma asked innocently. "Well it certainly isn't fair for Chiyo to miss out on the trial just because she died! After all, doesn't friendship last even beyond death?"
"You disgust me." Naomi said with disdain.
"Well, if there are no more questions, I think it's about time we began the class trial!" Monokuma said.
"First off, we should go over what we already know and go from there." Hideki said.
"Who put you in charge?" Ayame asked.
"Ayame, this is not the time for that. We need to work together to work out the culprit." Hikaru said, trying to calm down the football player. "Besides, I think Hideki is on the right track here."
"...Fine, whatever." Ayame said.
"Now then, if I may continue," Hideki said, clearly getting irritated.
"The victim of this case was Chiyo Ueda. According to the Monokuma file, she was killed around 8:30 p.m. last night in the laundromat. Her exact cause of death has yet to be determined, but can be narrowed down to either loss of blood or suffocation. Either as she was dying, or after she was already dead, her killer fashioned a noose and hanged her. These are the absolute facts. With that in mind, where should we go from here?"
"I think we should narrow down the number of culprits." Satoshi said, his usual aloof tone replaced with a more serious one. "At this point in time, we don't have any possible leads as to who killed Chiyo. And unless we can figure out who has an alibi and who doesn't, I feel like we won't be going anywhere."
"You know, he's got a good point there." Shizuka said.
"Very well, if you really think that will move this case along, then let's go along with it." Hideki said, seemingly interested in Satoshi's idea. "So then, out of the fifteen of us here, who has a solid alibi for 8:30 last night?"
"I was spending time with Kumiko until the nighttime announcement." Takara said. "We were nowhere near the scene of the crime." Kumiko nodded in agreement.
"Me and Hikaru were in my room last night." Ayame admitted with a tint of pink on her cheeks. "We spent the whole night together and that's all that matters."
"It looks to me like there's something more to your story there, Ishikawa." Arata said, a smug grin on his face.
Ayame's face flushed red at his comment. "What we do in the privacy of our rooms is none of your damn business!"Ayame shouted, gripping her podium with all her strength.
"Can we please move on?" Hideki said, his eye beginning to twitch.
"Well, Kazumi and I were in the restaurant eating dinner around that time, and both Hideki and Naomi were there at the same time." Shizuka said. "I also remember that Masaru had been in the kitchen before any of us had gotten there, and was still there when we left."
"Yeah, I was in the kitchen until the nighttime announcement." Masaru confirmed.
"And just what were you doing in there?" Ryouta asked, suspicion in his voice.
"Well, after the announcement of the motive it felt like everyone was tense." Masaru explained. "I thought that I would go over what was in the kitchen so I could make something special for breakfast tomorrow morning. If you're trying to imply that I would poison someone then you're mistaken."
"So that leaves nine of us with solid alibis." Minoru said. "Meanwhile, Arata, Satoshi, Miyako, Kaito, Ryouta, and myself are the most likely suspects."
"Wait, hold on a second!" Kaito said. "How do we know that none of them are lying? For all we know, two of them worked together and killed Chiyo in order to escape together!"
"Even if what you're saying is true Kaito, that still leaves five people with alibis. Kazumi, Shizuka, Naomi, Masaru, and Hideki were all in the same area at the time of the murder." Takara said.
"But what about you and Kumiko? Or Ayame and Haruki?" Kaito asked. "There's a complete possibility that either pair worked together."
"Why not ask the bear?" Miyako said, having finally saying something since the start of the investigation.
"Alright." Hideki said. "Monokuma, is there any reason for someone to team up with another in order to commit murder?"
"Ehhh, nope!" Monokuma asked. "An accomplice has nothing to gain from assisting a culprit in murder! Only the student who committed the crime can graduate."
"So there is nothing to gain then." Hideki said with a smirk.
"But we didn't know that until just now!" Kaito argued. "For all we know two people did team up."
"He's got a point." Ryouta says. "For all we know, someone could have assisted the killer in Chiyo's murder."
"Oy, Monokuma!" Kazumi said. "Was there anyone helpin' the culprit or not?"
"I don't think he's going to tell you outright, Kazumi..." Masaru said.
"Actually, we don't need to ask him." Satoshi said.
"And how are ya so certain 'bout that?" Kazumi asked.
"Because after investigating the crime scene, I can say that this crime was not planned beforehand. It was done on the spot, with no warning."
"That doesn't prove anything." Naomi said. "Just because it wasn't planned doesn't eliminate the possibility that two people did it."
"Alright, you got me there Naomi." Satoshi said, his usual personality shining through for a moment. "But Kara-chan and I have proof that can tell you there was only one culprit."
"Kara-chan...?" Arata asked, trying to hold back snickers.
"He's talking about me." Takara said, clearly irritated that Satoshi continued to use that nickname. She shot a quick glare at him, but all he did was smile back. Takara heard someone in the courtroom giggle slightly, probably Kumiko.
"Just what is this proof that you two found?" Hideki asked.
"In order to explain, I think we should move on to the subject of how Chiyo died." Satoshi said.
"But you're the one who wanted to eliminate suspects in the first place!" Ayame said. "Why are you trying to move away from the subject at hand? That seems pretty suspicious to me."
"No, Satoshi is right." Takara said. "The only way to do this is to talk about her death."
"Where should we begin then?" Hikaru asked. "You must have somewhere to go off of."
"First off, did anyone see Chiyo right before she died?" Satoshi asked. "I think that's a good place to start."
"I think I passed by her before going to my room or something?" Kumiko said, trying to remember the night before. "But that was waaaaay before her death so that probably doesn't count!" Even in this situation, the comic artist managed to smile and be energetic.
"Like I said, Hikaru and I were in my room all night." Ayame answered. "The last time either of us had seen her had been during the motive announcement."
"Oh! I saw her!" Naomi said. "She came into the dining hall around 8 and sat down with me and Hideki!"
"Yeah, I remember seeing her walk in as well!" Shizuka said.
"Funny, I don' remember seein' her." Kazumi said.
"That's probably because you were too busy stuffing your face with food to remember." Hideki said.
"Wuzzat supposed to mean?!" Kazumi asked. "You wanna start somethin', music boy?"
"Ahh, Kazumi calm down!" Shizuka said.
"Anyway, do you remember what she did while she was there, Naomi?" Takara asked.
"Well, she walked in around 8 and grabbed something to eat from the kitchen." Naomi began. "She sat down at the same table that me and Hideki were at and didn't talk much. She mostly just ate in silence and made a few comments. Once she was done, she immediately left the dining hall. She couldn't have been there more more than fifteen minutes."
"Did she say anything about why she left?" Satoshi asked.
"Actually, she did." Shizuka said. "I asked her why she was leaving in such a hurry and she said she was going to bed early for the night. Something about how she was sensing a dangerous air and wanted to avoid being in danger. Anyway, she did mention though that she needed to do her laundry first, because she was out of clean clothes. That's all she said before wishing us a good night. In fact, that's why I went to check the laundromat first."
"And no one in the dining hall left during that time, is that it?" Satoshi said, wishing to confirm his point.
"Correct. All five of us didn't leave until about an hour after she left." Hideki said.
"And no one else knew where she was going?" Takara asked, referring to the six without alibis.
"Um, no. I had no idea." Kaito said.
"I didn't." Ryouta said.
"No." Miyako said, getting straight to the point.
"Not at all." Minoru said.
"Of course not!" Arata said, angry at the idea he was being accused.
"Nope." Satoshi said.
"Well then, I'm pretty sure that answers that question." Shizuka said.
"Wait a second, that doesn't prove anything!" Kaito said.
"Actually, that's wrong!" Takara said. "Considering that Hikaru and Ayame had been in Ayame's room all night since the motive announcement there's no way they would have known. Me and Kumiko had been hanging out in her own room so we didn't even see Chiyo, let alone know where she was going."
"What's your point? Get to it already." Kaito said.
"If her death had been planned beforehand, that would mean the culprit knew where she would be. Since no one aside from the people in the dining hall knew where she was going, there's no way it was planned." Takara explained. "Also, according to what Naomi said, she was only there for around fifteen minutes. And she didn't die until fifteen minutes after she left, which hardly seems like enough time to come up with a murder plan."
"Oh, yeah. I guess that makes sense." Kaito admitted.
"But that doesn't tell us that two people weren't responsible." Ryouta said as he fidgeted with his hands. "Just because it wasn't planned doesn't prove anything."
"Well then, we have more evidence where that came from. Right, Kara-chan?" Satoshi said.
"I told you to stop calling me that!" Takara said. "But there's still evidence that can show there was only one killer."
"Well what is it then?" Ryouta asked.
"The washing machines themselves." Takara said.
"How does that prove anything?" Hikaru asked.
"When we were searching for clues, we looked in the machines to see if there were anyone else's clothes being washed. After all, whoever killed Chiyo must have been doing their laundry. But the only clothes we found were Chiyo's, which were still wet. And the dryers were nearly empty as well, except for one." Takara said.
"Huh? How so?" Kazumi asked.
"One of the dryers had a pair of socks in them. Whoever killed Chiyo must have left them behind in their rush to leave the scene. And the clothes that were hung up to dry had all been there before the murder." Takara explained.
"How do you know that?" Ayame asked.
"Before Monokuma revealed the motive, I had been doing laundry myself." Takara answered. "When I was there earlier, I saw all the clothes that had been hanging to dry. And all the clothes that were hanging at the scene of the crime were the exact same clothes I saw yesterday! Meaning that the culprit had to have been one person and one person alone."
"Wait a second, you said there was a pair of socks, right?" Kumiko asked.
"Yeah, what about it?" Takara said.
"Well, if the criminal left behind their socks, that means whoever wears those kind of socks has to be the culprit!" Kumiko said. "Everyone, take off your shoes!"
"Even though you have a good idea there, I'm afraid it isn't that simple." Satoshi said.
"Huh? Why not?" Kumiko said.
"The socks we found were white. And most of us wear white socks, including the victim." Satoshi explained. "And there was nothing special about these socks that could distinguish them, so we can't use them to figure out the culprit."
"Oh. Never mind then." Kumiko asked as she hung her head down.
"Hey, you gave it a shot." Minoru said. "It was a good idea."
"And if that isn't enough evidence, then there's one more thing I can bring up." Takara said.
"No, no, I think that's enough for me." Hikaru said. "I don't doubt that the culprit is one person."
"So are we done talking about whether there were two people or not? Can we finally move on?" Hideki asked impatiently.
"Yes, your highness, we're done." Ayame said.
"In that case, the six of us without alibis are still the potential culprit." Minoru said. "So how do we find out who the five innocents are?"
"I got it!" Kazumi exclaimed.
"This will be interesting." Hideki said.
"Well obviously the culprit had been doin' laundry right? So all we gotta do is figure out which one of ya was doing laundry! Easy as that!" Kazumi said with a smug look.
"Truly your mind is incredibly simple." Hideki asked. "Not only is that a terrible idea, but whoever was doing laundry wouldn't admit it. The culprit obviously wants to graduate, so of course they're not going to willingly admit they were there."
"So we have no leads?" Hikaru asked.
"Shit!" Ayame said. "At this rate we're all gonna die! Don't we have anything that could move us forward?!"
Takara paused and tried to think while the others attempted to figure something out. The stress of the situation was getting to her. Was there anything else she had found that could lead them somewhere? Anything? If she didn't have something then it was all going to end here!
"Calm down everyone. We're not going to determine the culprit with what little we have so far." Satoshi said, snapping Takara out of her thoughts. "Let's return to the discussion at hand: how Chiyo died."
"But we don't know how she died." Shizuka said. "The Monokuma file only told us it was blood loss or lack of air. That isn't much to go off of."
"I never said we had to determine which one it is, but we can figure out what was used during the attack." Satoshi said.
"We've already established the possibilities of her death." Kazumi said. "Blood loss or bein' suffocated. So we jus' need to figure out what the weapons were right?"
"Well if she was being suffocated, then anything in the laundromat could be a weapon." Ryouta said. "All the killer would need is something that could block off her nose and mouth so she couldn't breathe. And considering the location, there were plenty of things that could do just that."
"However, the culprit could have used their hands just as well." Kumiko added. "Or they may have tried to strangle her with their hands! That sounds about right, doesn't it?"
"No, the culprit used something from the laundromat." Takara rebutted. "And I think I know what it was."
"Well if you're so sure, then tell us." Kaito said, issuing a challenge to the journalist.
"It's simple, the culprit used their own laundry to suffocate Chiyo!" Takara said. "And that same article was also used to hang her body." She smirked at Kaito.
"But how can you be so sure that it was the culprit's clothes?" Kaito asked.
"What do you mean?" Miyako asked.
"If you ask me, I think Chiyo killed herself!" Kaito said.
"Really now?" Satoshi said. "If that's the case, tell us why."
"Well you see, we found Chiyo hanging by a noose right?" Kaito said. "Wouldn't that mean she made the noose and hanged herself? After all, she was missing her cloak when we found her! And the noose was the same color as her cloak!"
"But what about the blood loss?" Naomi asked. "If she really did hang herself, then it makes no sense for it to be a factor in all of this."
"That's easy! Allow me to explain it to you!" Kaito said with confidence. "We already established that there was someone else in the laundromat with her, so whoever was there probably tried to attack her but failed to kill her themselves! After the attacker screwed up, they probably tried to flee the scene. So while Chiyo tried to hang herself, she was bleeding from the previous attack. She made the noose out of her cloak, wrapped it around the pipes on the ceiling, and hanged herself! After all, there's no other article of clothes that could have caused it."
"Actually, that's wrong!" Takara said. "Chiyo's cloak had been with all of her other clothes in the washing machine. There's no way that it could have been the noose. After all, she's not the only person with an article of clothing like that. A few other people here wear black jackets of some kind, so it could belong to them."
"Oh, I got it!" Kazumi exclaimed. "If the culprit used some kinda black jacket, then whoever's missing theirs is the one who did it!"
"It isn't that simple though." Hideki countered. "Out of all of us that wear a black jacket or coat, none of them are missing it. The culprit did leave with all their laundry, so it's safe to assume that the culprit owns more than one black jacket. After all, if they were missing such an article of clothing it would be obviously noticeable."
"Okay, so it wasn't her cloak, I get that." Kaito conceded. "But that doesn't mean she didn't hang herself like I said!"
"Actually, there's one other factor that proves she didn't kill herself." Takara said.
"Huh? What do you mean?" Kaito asked.
"There was nothing nearby the body that would allow her to reach the ceiling." Takara answered. "No stool, no chair, nothing. Which is strange considering the victim in question."
"Wait, what do mean?" Kaito said.
"Are you referring to Ueda's height, Tsukuda?" Arata asked.
"That's exactly what I'm refering to." Takara said with a smirk.
"Wait, what's her height got to do with all this?" Kazumi asked.
"If you paid any attention to Chiyo herself, you'd know she is the shortest out of all of us." Hideki answered. "She was only 4'11. Certainly not tall enough to reach the ceiling without something to stand on."
"And there was nothing at the scene that was near her to indicate she could've stood on anything in order to reach it." Takara said. "Which means she didn't commit suicide!"
"I see." Kaito replied. "In that case, I guess you can ignore my theory."
"So she was suffocated by the jacket. That eliminates one possible weapon." Naomi said. "But there's still the matter of the blood loss."
"There aren't that many weapons one could find in a laundromat that could cause it." Ayame said. "And we already established that the culprit didn't plan the killing, so it's not like they grabbed a knife or anything."
"The culprit either had the weapon with them and improvised, or the weapon had already been in there and was left by someone else." Minoru said.
"The weapon had to have been hidden after she was killed." Shizuka said. "Probably to dispose evidence."
"But that means the weapon could be anything!" Kaito said.
"There's one thing about this that doesn't make sense though." Haruki said. "If she was losing blood, then where was it? Her body was completely free of it."
"Actually, that's wrong!" Takara said. "Shizuka, you know for a fact that she had been bleeding right? Her clothes show as much."
"Oh, you're right!" Shizuka said.
"What do you mean? There wasn't any blood on her clothes." Masaru said.
"Not at first glance there isn't, but if you look closer you can see it." Shizuka explained. "Around her chest are droplets of blood. They're kinda small, so it's not easy to notice at first, but if you take the time to look, you'll find them."
"Wow Shizuka, how did you notice something so small?" Kumiko asked, astounded by the painter's find. "You must have super powerful eyes to find something like that!"
"I just looked, I guess. I have a good eye for detail." Shizuka said, clearly embarrassed by the praise as her cheeks flushed pink slightly.
"Still though, there's no way that such a small amount of blood like this would be enough to be a factor." Hideki said. "I'm no expert on this, but it would have to be a severe amount of blood to come anywhere close to killing her."
"Except that wasn't all the blood she spilled." Satoshi said. "The killer just wanted to make it look like she wasn't bleeding and that she had been hanged."
"How can you tell?" Shizuka asked.
"There's a spot on the floor that looked like someone had tried to clean it." Satoshi explained. "But they didn't do a very good job at it, as the color of the blood itself is still very slightly there."
"Her clothes were also a little damp." Takara added.
"That doesn't explain anything." Arata said. "Ueda's clothes could've been damp from blood."
"But we already established that there wasn't enough blood on Chiyo's body aside from the droplets Shizuka found." Masaru said.
"That, and if it was blood, it wouldn't be damp." Takara explained. "Blood on clothing wouldn't remain damp by that point. It would've felt harder and left an obvious stain."
"How do you know that?" Ryouta asked.
"...It's a girl thing, you wouldn't understand." Takara said hesitantly, clearly embarrassed at having to explain that. "The point is, the culprit tried to wash away the blood, and obviously missed a few spots."
"So we've established that she was definitely bleeding." Hideki said. "And it was definitely enough to be a cause of death."
"But what was the fuckin' weapon?" Kazumi asked.
"There were multiple wounds on her chest." Takara said. "They were too small in size to be something like a knife, and the weapon couldn't have been big enough to cause a fatal stab wound."
"That doesn't really answer the question though." Ayame said.
"True, but I think I found something that could fit the description." Takara said. "It was a pen."
"A... pen?" Arata said. "How could a pen of all things be a weapon?"
"This isn't an average ball-point pen, but rather a nibbed pen." Takara said.
"What the hell is a nibbed pen?" Kazumi asked.
"They're old fashioned pens." Naomi explained. "They don't have ink in them like modern pens, you have to dip them in an ink jar to use it. There are multiple sizes of nibs that can produce many different types of strokes. Most people only use them these days or artistic purposes or calligraphy."
"So, you're saying that this pen is the weapon?" Hikaru asked.
"Exactly." Takara said. "And I believe I know who it belongs to."
"What? You know the culprit then?" Arata asked. "Well then who was it?"
"There can only be one possibility as to who the guilty student is." Takara began. "Someone who has tried everything they can to hide their involvement in Chiyo's death. Someone who has been trying to lead us away from the truth. Someone who tried to make it look like Chiyo Ueda killed herself so they could get off scott free."
"For fuck's sake, just tell us who you think the god damn culprit is already!" Kaito said.
"Gladly." Takara said with a smirk. "It's none other than you, Kaito Fujiwara!"
"...What?" Kaito asked nervously. "You're saying...I'm the one who killed her?" The animator began to laugh nervously. "Come on now Takara, that's just crazy. T-there's no way I killed her. What proof do you have to pin it on m-me?"
"I have plenty of proof." Takara said. "This entire time, you've been questioning everything we've brought up and challenging our theories."
"This is a trial though, you're supposed to question other people's theories." Kaito replied. "After all, someone could be lying and we wouldn't know it."
"That's not all. You were nervous when Monokuma announced the Class Trial, more so than anyone else." Takara said.
"That's because my life is on the line if we get it wrong!" Kaito said.
"Also, you were the one who brought up the idea that Chiyo had killed herself." Takara said. "If I recall correctly, you were nowhere near the body during the investigation. In fact, I don't recall you coming into the laundromat when the body was discovered. So how did you know that she had been hanged?"
"I read the Monokuma file of course!" Kaito said.
"Except it doesn't mention that she was hanged." Hideki interjected. "It only mentions her being suffocated."
"Then there's this pen." Takara said. "Being an animator, it would only make sense that you would have something like this in your possesion."
"That isn't mine!" Kaito said, his anger coming out. "That could belong to Kumiko! Or it's Shizuka's! I wouldn't have a pen like that!"
"Except first of all, both Shizuka and Kumiko have solid alibis for last night." Takara rebutted. "And secondly, Shizuka wouldn't even use a pen like this, she's a painter."
"Besides, I haven't taken out any of my supplies since we got here." Kumiko said. "I can't really be making my comic pages when everyone's acting all crazy-go nuts. And I prefer ball-point pens, I don't have the patience to keep dipping a pen in ink over and over again!"
"T-that's..." Kaito stammered.
"Also, that jacket Chiyo's been hanged with does fit yours quite nicely." Takara said.
"That doesn't mean anything! I've obviously been framed!" Kaito insisted. "I never even saw Chiyo yesterday after the motive announcement!"
"In that case, why was there a charm with blood on it sitting in the trash?" Takara asked.
"What charm? I don't know what you're talking about!" Kaito said.
"At one point or another yesterday, Chiyo approached all of us and gave us one of these charms." Takara explained as she took her charm out of her pocket. "She intended to give these to all of us as a means of protection, and we were instructed to keep them with us at all times."
"What the fuck does that have to do with anything?!" Kaito asked.
"If you didn't see her at all yesterday aside from the motive announcement, then that means the only time she could've given you one was at that moment. If you could just show me yours then the matter can be cleared up. And saying that you lost it isn't going to cut it."
"But how can you be so sure that it's mine?!" Kaito asked. "If it has blood on it then it's gotta be Chiyo's!"
"No, her charm was still on her body when we examined it." Satoshi said.
"And the only person this can belong to is the culprit." Takara said. "If you want proof, then I'll ask everyone here to show me theirs as well."
"Fine, do it! Then you'll see!" Kaito said.
"Alright. Everyone, show me the charm that Chiyo gave you." Takara said. Sure enough, everyone except for Kaito managed to pull out their charm and showed it to the journalist without hesitation, leaving Kaito with nothing to hide behind. "Alright Kaito, now either show me your charm, or admit the truth."
"We've discussed everything we can about this Kaito, there's no other explanation." Takara said.
"You have plenty." Takara said. "But the main reason would have to be Monokuma's motive."
"...The motive?" Kaito asked, his voice cracking as he did so.
"Monokuma threatened that if no one tried to kill each other, then he would destroy anything that could connect us to our talents. Being an animator with work in many different areas, surely the destruction of all your work would devastate you." Hideki said. "And out of all the possible culprits, you have the biggest incentive to kill someone."
"I... I..." Kaito said.
"In fact, I think from everything we've gathered we can explain just what happened here." Takara said.
"Everyone was unsettled by the motive and what it would mean for us. And someone among us couldn't possibly let their hard work and talent fall into obscurity. So the culprit began to think about who to kill. Meanwhile, Chiyo was trying to do everything in her power to avoid any disaster. She decided to go to bed early, but realized that she needed to do laundry first. After she decided to eat, she quickly gathered her clothes and made her way to the laundromat.
"Little did she know however, that the culprit was also there, waiting for their own laundry to be finished. She didn't see any reason to find it suspicious, and merely went to doing her buisness. Until she remembered that she had one last charm to give, and the culprit was the only one she hadn't given it to. In her attempt to give them the charm, the culprit decided to attack.
"Using nothing but the pen they had on them, the culprit attempted to stab Chiyo without thinking of what would happen. But the stab wounds weren't enough. It was taking too long for her to die. Before she had the chance to escape, the culprit then decided that the only way that they could kill Chiyo was to suffocate her. So they took a jacket out of their laundry and placed it over her face.
"Eventually, either by the blood or the lack of air, Chiyo finally died. But the culprit didn't know what to do, they couldn't let the others know it was them. So they tried to alter the crime scene and deceive us. First, they attempted to clean off all the blood. But they did a sloppy job, leaving a stain on the floor and some drops on her dress. Next, they had to dispose of the weapons. They figured that if they used the jacket to hang the body, it would keep us off of the right track. So they fashioned a noose around the pipe and stuck Chiyo's head in it. Next was the pen, if that was found they would know who did it. So they attempted to hide it from plain sight, yet in their rush forgot to clean it of the blood.
"After everything had been set, the culprit tried to take all their laundry and remove any trace that it was them. But in their haste they had left some socks in the dryer. Not that they noticed. But then there was the charm. Before they left the laundromat, the culprit threw the charm into the garbage, hoping that no one would dare look. And with that, the crime is clear. After all, am I wrong about this, Kaito Fujiwara?"
Kaito looked distraught. "I...I..." He couldn't find the words he needed. No excuses came to mind. He was trapped and cornered. "I yield."
"Well then! Since you all seem to have figured it out, please use the switch in front of you to vote! Now do understand that you must vote for someone! Not voting at all would mean punishment! So who will you vote as the culprit? Will it be the right choice, or the dreadfully wrong one? What's it gonna be? What's it gonna be?!" Monokuma explained. Takara pulled the lever, making her decision. Everyone else around her cast their own votes, and before anything else happened, a screen turned on showing them the result. Kaito's face appeared on screen as a track of cheering and clapping was heard. "Correct! The culprit who killed Chiyo Ueda was our very own Kaito Fujiwara!" Monokuma said with glee.
"Kaito, why?" Kumiko asked, tears in her eyes. "Why did you kill someone like that?"
"I had no choice." Kaito said with an air of defeat. "I've spent so many years on my animation work. If it were all to be destroyed, so much would be lost. Movies, TV episodes, short films, all of it gone forever. I've done so much work, I couldn't let it disappear."
"But why Chiyo?" Shizuka asked. "She didn't pose any threat to you."
"No threat? Did you really not listen to anything she said?" Kaito asked.
"What do you mean by that?" Hikaru asked.
"You had to have heard her. All that talk about how death was hanging over us all? She had to have been planing to kill someone before the bear made his motive." Kaito explained. "It was only a matter of time before she would attack somebody. And I was all alone with her, she was bound to attack me. So I went after her before she made the first move. And even if I had killed someone else, she would've been able to contact the dead and find out it was me. I just didn't want to die."
"But Chiyo was trying to avoid that kinda scenario!" Kazumi said. "All she was trying to do was give ya somethin' she thought would protect ya'!"
"I had no way of knowing that!" Kaito said, tears beginning to fall. "I was paranoid, I was afraid. Can you really sit there and say that if it were you in my shoes, that you wouldn't do the same?" No one answered. Takara began to feel sorry for him. It wasn't like he wanted to kill someone, but at the same time he still fell to despair. "You see? Any one of you could have fallen into the same trap that I did."
"Now then, I've prepared a very special punishment for the Super High School Level Animator!" Monokuma said.
"Wait, you can't be serious!" Kaito said. "Please, don't kill me, I beg of you I'll do anything! I'm sorry Im sorry I'm sorry!!!!" He begged and pleaded with panic in his voice, afraid of the idea he was going to die, but his cries fell on deaf ears.
"Let's give it everything we got! It's punishment time!" Monokuma said.
Before he had the chance to run, a metal clamp secured itself around Kaito's neck, pulling him into a strange doorway as he screamed. As he was being brought closer to his demise, he desperately tried to force the clamp open so he could be let go, but it was useless as no matter how hard he pulled it refused to budge. He was pulled behind a curtain on a stage. The fourteen innocents were rushed into a room reminiscent of a movie theater, many of them afraid of what kind of "punishment"they would be forced to watch. Unfortunately, they didn't need to wait long.
The curtains opened to what appeared to be a movie, but the students knew it was anything but. On the screen they could see Kaito strapped to a pole, his expression filled with fear. Standing next to him was a cartoon like character, one that Takara recognized as a character that Kaito himself had created. But it didn't look exactly the same. The view switched to one of another character, a villainous looking one that seemed to have similarities to their ursine headmaster. The characters began to fight, the one on Kaito's side missing every time. All the while, Kaito became more and more distressed, he had no idea what was going to happen to him and the unknown made him that much more afraid.
Finally, the Monokuma-esque character pulled out what looked like two giant tablet pens. Without hesitation, it threw the pens at Kaito and the good character. Before he even had the chance to scream, Kaito was impaled by the pen alongside his character. As the character fell to the ground, Kaito remained still and unmoving, the clamp still around his neck.
He was dead.
The other students all seemed to react differently. Shizuka looked sick once again, and almost threw up for real. Kumiko started to cry, whimpers escaping from her mouth. Ryouta could only stand there with his arms around his shoulders. Even Miyako, who was usually unfazed by anything, had a look of horror on her face. Takara herself didn't know what to do. She had just witnessed the death of her classmate. Even if she really didn't like Kaito all that much she would never want to watch him die, especially like this.
"Woohoo! What an exciting punishment!" Monokuma said, breaking the silence. "My heart is beating so fast, I think I have an adrenaline rush!"
"This cant be happening..." Ayame said.
"Oh but it is!" Monokuma said. "And knowing you bastards it's sure to happen again!"
"I can't handle this!" Masaru said. "I don't want any part of this!"
"You can ignore it all you want, but the cold harsh reality of it all is that you can't leave unless you try to graduate." Monokuma said. "It's the only way any one of you is leaving this resort."
"Why? Why are you putin' us through all of this?!" Kazumi asked.
"I already told you!" Monokuma said. "All I want is despair, it's my only reason for existing. Besides, why would you want to leave here? You kids always complain about how summer vacation isn't long enough! Im giving you an eternal one this way! So now you don't have to worry about school coming around the corner!"
"That isn't an excuse!" Hideki shouted. "We never asked for any of this!"
"Well if you really want to leave so badly then you know what you gotta do!" Monokuma said. "It doesn't seem like I'm going to get anything through those stubborn heads of yours though, so I think it's time we departed. You can't stay here though, so leave through the elevator once you're ready. Upupupu~"
With that, the bear disappeared. But no one walked into the elevator at that moment. Many of them stood there in shock and fear. This was what their world was now. Either succumb to despair and kill someone, or stay in this resort forever. And even murder was now a matter of life and death. Takara hoped that she would never have to see any more executions like Kaito's, or even be the recipient of one.
After what seemed like a lifetime, Satoshi spoke up. "We should return to our rooms for now." he said. "If we stay here much longer, that bear might try to punish us. And I think we all need some time to ourselves." Everyone seemed to silently agree as they headed into the elevator. No one spoke on the way back up. There was nothing but a disturbing silence. As everyone dispersed and returned to their rooms, Takara found herself stopped by Satoshi.
"And just what do you want?" Takara asked in a tone that was harsher then she intended.
"You did a good job back there." the archeologist told her. "If it hadn't been for you, we would all be dead."
"If that's supposed to make me feel better, then try again." Takara said, prepared to leave.
"Darn, I guess I tried." Satoshi said with a nervous laugh. "But in all seriousness, you were a major help. I honestly don't think we would've found out who it was if it weren't for you and your journalist skills."
"My talent had nothing to do with it, and you know it." Takara insisted. "There's a difference between a journalist and a detective."
"Even so, I really think you were the reason we survived." Satoshi said. "I think you underestimate yourself, Kara-chan."
"I told you to stop calling me that! Don't you fucking listen?!" Takara shouted in anger. "And stop telling me it was all because of me! Two of our friends have died, do you not understand that?! This whole time you've been acting so nonchalant about all we've seen, does the fact that Kaito killed someone not faze you in the slightest?!"
Satoshi stood there in silence for a moment, contemplating what to tell her. "I'm sorry Ka-sorry, Takara. I get that all of this is serious, but that doesn't mean I should just fall into depression over it. That's what the bear wants." Satoshi explained. "Maybe I'm just not as affected by death like the rest of you are, but believe me I'm still upset about both Chiyo and Kaito. I was only trying to make you feel better, but I guess I'm not that good around people as I thought I was."
Takara let out a sigh. "Look, I'm sorry about exploding at you there. It's not your fault, it's the bear's." she said. "I'm just tired and worn out from all of this, so much has happened in the past twelve hours that it's taking it's toll on me. I know you're only trying to help, I'm just not the one you should be trying to comfort. I'll see you and the others at dinner, I guess." She turned away to head for the staircase, all she needed was a nap and some time to herself. Before she made it to the stairs, she heard Satoshi call out to her.
"Maybe we all just need someone to help us overcome this. All we have right now is each other and our hope."
Takara didn't say anything as she walked upstairs. The hallway was empty of people, everyone must have already returned to their rooms. She walked down the hall, trying to avoid glancing at Chiyo's room. She didn't want any reminders of what had happened. She finally reached her room and swiped the card key to enter it. She shut the door behind her and fell straight onto her bed. And without second thought, she screamed into the first pillow she could get her hands on. She screamed until she managed to fall asleep.
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